"Kostas Kouvidis" Scholarship

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You Are What U Do / Kostas Kouvidis

The organization

you are what you do snare drum inscription

“You Are What U Do / Kostas Kouvidis” is a nonprofit organization established in 2008 by friends and relatives of the great Greek jazz drummer Kostas Kouvidis (1976 – 2007). Kostas’s life came to an abrupt and premature end when a typical eighteen year old aggressive Greek driver, having already violated the speed limit, violated a red light and crashed with ferocity on the car that Kostas was boarding (as a passenger).

The name of our organisation was borrowed from a phrase that Kostas, himself a very talented jazz musician, had inscribed on his snare drum:  “You Are What U Do Not What U Think U Are.”

Amongst the aims of our organization is organizing an, annual, international jazz meeting in Heraklion- Crete (Kostas’s birthplace), issuing CDs and DVDs, providing scholarships to talented young musicians etc. Eventually we would like to transform the international jazz meeting to an international festival, centered around music but in no sense restricted to it.

The other main aim of our organization is to promote public awareness towards car crashes and aggressive driving and participate actively in the struggle to modify the existing legal framework. 

«You Are What U Do – Kostas Kouvidis» is a registered non profit organization (Greek Ministry of Culture, Reg. N. 1146). It is a member of FEVR (European Federation of Road Traffic Victims  - http://fevr.org/) member of the “Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety” http://www.roadsafetyngos.org/ and of the “European Road Safety Charter” http://www.erscharter.eu/ Since 2011, in the field of Road Safety and the support of car crashes victims , “You Are What U Do – Kostas Kouvidis” is working through “SOS Road Crimes” a victims organization in national level.


The Founding Members are:

Dr George Kouvidis, radiologist, Athens

Dr Ismini Tsoutsia – Kouvidi, psychiatrist, Athens

Mr Minas Sifakis, Physicist, Heraklion, Crete

Prof Alexis Benos, Professor of Social Medicine, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki

Mr Demosthenes Kouvidis, publisher, Athens

Ms Panagiota Maniou, sociologist, Athens

Dr Athanassia Bouzala, psychiatrist, Athens


Contact "You Are What U Do / Kostas Kouvidis"

address: Iossif Damaskinou 13, 114 71 Athens

tel: 210 3458989, 6971542433

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

website: www.kostaskouvidis.com

myspace: www.myspace.com/internationaljazzmeetingkostaskouvidis


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